Aaron Kwok - Mini Biography

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Aaron managed his career smoothly and slowly until he reached all his dreams. He walked straight in his life and career. His outstanding performance on stage is marvelous and made him got nick name the “Michael Jackson of Hong Kong”. He dance like superstar in every concert and audience cannot gaze away from him. There’s no place where Aaron feels at home than on the stage. His ticket for concerts always sold out, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, USA or Canada. His outstanding talent has earned him more than a hundred awards since the beginning of his career.
Great name, successful career, good looking, famous didn’t make Aaron snobbish but he keeps on going develop his talent to improve quality of his art world. Aaron doesn't seem to have much interest in the celebrity lifestyle and rather than maximizing his exposure to maximize profits he seems much more inclined to work at his own pace and choose projects based on legitimate interest rather than business concerns. He also likes to join in social organization as he cares for around such as child abuse and among other things


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this blog provide you information about Asian star personal life , career and new chapter about their live complete with adorable photo and wallpaper
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